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North America
A&T Equestrian
Expanding knowledge about Caspians and actively conserving them in Cloverdale, BC, Canada.
Adorme Caspians
Breeding and training part and purebred Caspians in Ontario, Oregon, USA.
Cascadia Horses
Promoting and bringing awareness to rare bloodlines; breeding Caspians near Olympia, Washington, USA.
CK Ranch
Raising and training quality miniature and Caspian horses in Callao, Virginia, USA.
JPH Ranch
Raising and training pure Caspians and Shetland/Miniature-Caspians in Pleasanton, Texas, USA.
N LITE Caspians
Tourist spot to see Caspian horses, and horses occasionally for sale in Beaumont, Alberta, Canada.
One of a Kind Caspians
A very small and focused Caspian and sport horse breeding program located in Albertville, Alabama, USA.
Rocky Six S Ranch
Producing and training Caspian foals, overseen and handled from birth, in Cremona, Alberta, Canada.
Sassafras Caspians
Raising Caspians with rare colors and bloodlines in Summer Shade, Kentucky, USA.
Spring Heart Caspians
Breeding and training beautiful purebred Caspian horses in Greensburg, Kentucky, USA.
TerraStar Ranch
Refuge and breeding farm for Caspians, offering stud services in Covington, Texas, USA.
Offers purebred Caspian stallions at stud, producing premium offspring, located in Knivsta, Sweden.
Rosmear Stud
Stud services available and horses for sale with exceptional bloodlines, located in Pau, France.
Roxane Stud
Élevage de Chevaux Caspiens breeds and offers horses for sale in Navailles-Angos, France.
Sirhowy Stud
Longtime breeder and producer of Caspians with occasional horses for sale in Hampshire, United Kingdom.
Stal Ulnenkamp
Offering a Caspian stallion at stud as a breeder of small, refined horses, located in Westendorp, Netherlands.
Mouleki Caspians
Breeding true-to-type little Caspian horses that are highly intelligent, friendly, gentle, and easy to train.

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